Lutyen's Stone of Remembrance

Lutyen's Stone of Remembrance
Lutyens' Stone of Remembrance. Found at the larger Commonwealth War Graves and in front of Edinburgh and Glasgow City Chambers

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Rights of Christians to parade in Edinburgh should be protected

According to the Scotsman (18 July) some members of Edinburgh City Council are considering, against police advice, banning the planned Orange Order march in the city on 13 September, five days ahead of the 18 September independence referendum. Such a step would be a gross infringement of the rights of free expression of this group of Christians. They have traditionally marched peacefully in the city in the past to express their beliefs and loyalties. Restriction of this right of free expression would be damaging to the reputation the City of Edinburgh. Nor would it project a favourable image of Scotland to the world. Lawful free expression of views is vital to democracy in Scotland especially on the eve of the most important voting decision that most of us will ever be called to make.
Letter in the Scotsman 19 July 2014

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